Should Anything Be Done to My Appliances to Prepare Them for Moving?

Appliances complicate residential moves.

Illustration of Fridge on a Hand Truck

Appliances aren’t just a hassle during residential moves because of their size. They’re also complicated pieces of machinery you can easily damage unless you do things right. Make sure you take time to prep your stove, fridge, and other appliances for moving day if you want them to work once they get to your new home.

The following are some tips to help you make the residential move process go as smoothly as possible:

Unplug major appliances at least 24 hours before your move.

This is especially true for any units that need to be drained, like a dishwasher, washing machine, freezer or refrigerator. These tasks take time, and if ignored, can make a mess of your entire shipment. Talk to your move about how to contain appliance-related moisture and smells well before moving day.

Clear and clean your stove and other appliances.

Not only will it be more enjoyable moving into your new home with sparkling clean appliances, cleaning your stove, fridge, and other items is a common sense way to prevent smells from affecting the rest of your belongings. Clean appliances are also easier to move, cutting down on your potential damages and injuries.

Secure all of your appliances doors, racks, drawers and cords.

Loose items cause damages, and they can also injure your moving crew. Unfortunately, this step isn’t as cut and dried as it seems. A few appliances need their racks removed and packed separately – like dishwashers. Washing machines are even more complicated, as their drums need securing, and the best way of doing so differs by manufacturer.

Contact Nilson Van for help getting your appliances ready and to learn more helpful tips for residential moves. From start to finish, we make sure your belongings stay as safe as possible.

What Options Are Available for Hiring Movers for a Military Relocation?

Moving in the military is pretty simple once you have the basics down.

Nilson Van Truck Outside of Home

When you’re moving in the military, you have a few different options allowing you to hire the best companies for transporting your goods. You can even pay them to pack and unpack your belongings. This makes the moving process significantly less stressful at first, but you have to know the right ways to take advantage of it. Work with the right professional moving company, and you’ll save yourself a tremendous amount of work.

You’ll have the following options available when it comes time to hire your military movers:

  • Government-approved carriers can be scheduled through the Defense Personal Property System. In order to make moving ultra-easy, the Department of Defense created the DPS. It connects service members with qualified movers, as well as expediting scheduling, tracking, and claim filing, when needed.
  • The Personally Procured Move – or Do-It-Yourself Move – allows you to be reimbursed for funds you spend on an alternative moving company. Just remember, DIY moves aren’t covered by insurance costs, and the military won’t get involved if you have disagreements with the company.
  • DIY moves also allow you to move your own belongings and get money back on top of your expenses. Move yourself, and you’ll be faced with the hassle of packing, lifting, and shifting all of your belongings, which may make your move to a new location extra daunting. What’s even more surprising? DIY moves can wind up costing you more than it would to hire professionals.

Click this link to schedule your move with Nilson Van today, and secure the best option when you’re moving in the military. With 75 years of experience, we have the professionalism and experience you need to make the most of your move funding. Visit us online or call 803-786-1090 to get a free quote.

What Items Cannot Be Moved Internationally?

Moving internationally comes with some surprising restrictions.

Nilson Van and Storage - Moving Services

Moving internationally is anything but cut-and-dried. Every instance is an adventure, but sometimes these come with unexpected obstacles set in your path. For instance, you may find out your grandmother’s antique piano can’t be shipped out of the United States, or that your gaming system isn’t allowed at your new location.

Here’s how to find out which items can’t be moved with you during an international move:

  • Work with an experienced mover. The right professional moving company will understand export shipping restrictions for the United States as well as what items are banned in your new location. Everything from furniture to tulip bulbs poses potential problems, so make sure you work with an expert in the field.
  • Check with the US Department of Customs and Border Protection about new or changing restrictions. Whether you’ve decided not to work with a professional mover or you’re just wanted to double-check their work, you can find a list of the latest export regulations and go through them yourself.
  • Check with the customs department in your new location. Laws are always changing, and if you’re DIY’ing your international move, you may be unpleasantly surprised by new regulations or import charges.
  • Make local contacts in your new home country. Americans are on the move, and can be found living nearly everywhere. Use the Internet to make connections before your move. They can be an incredible source of information and point out import pitfalls for you to avoid.

Protect your belongings when you’re moving internationally. Work with an experienced company, like Nilson Van, and you’ll pay the least for quality moving services. Click this link or call 803-223-9736 to learn what you need to know when moving internationally.

How Can I Arrange Temporary Storage for Employees during Relocation?

Commercial moves run smoothly when you have all the contact info you need.

Commercial Relocation Assistance

Commercial moves for new or existing employees don’t have to be filled with stress. In fact, when working with an experienced moving company, they can make changing locations surprisingly easy. These are the types of businesses with no problem tracking shipments or putting items temporarily into storage.

Get a handle on employee moving amenities when you:

  • Call experienced companies in your moving area. Nilson Van, for instance, has been providing professional moving services to individuals and companies for 75 years. It’s a landmark we’re proud to celebrate because, more than anything else, this reflects the reliability and convenience we aim to provide.
  • Ask them about their additional services. From packing to storing to shipment tracking, professional moving companies often do more than just move your employees’ belongings from one place to another. Package deals can greatly reduce the cost of these special services. You’ll want to find a company capable of quickly placing shipments into storage and taking them out for delivery again.
  • Pass along all the storage info to your employees. Contact numbers, shipping numbers, location of the storage facility and hours of operation are all essential for your employee to have. The more in control they feel of their move, the more benefits they’ll get from having this task handled as part of their worker benefits.
  • Quickly follow up once storage is no longer needed. If you are the link between your mover and your employee, make sure you’re not the one holding up progress. Certain companies struggle to move their storage around quickly, while others have systems in place for expediting those deliveries. Be sure you know what information the movers will need, and be ready to provide it once your workers need their belongings delivered.

Knowing what your moving company needs to provide top-quality commercial services goes a long way in preserving employee satisfaction. Put your best foot forward with a call to Nilson Van. Click this link to discover our full range of services online or call 803-786-1090 for more information about commercial moves.

What Happens on Moving Day?

Residential moves are easiest when they follow a winning game plan.

Residential Movers Assisting With Packing

What happens during residential moves tends to be controlled by the homeowner, whether they realize it or not. Investing in top-of-the-line moving services won’t help you if you’ve neglected your responsibilities leading up to the big day. Movers and homeowners benefit when you invest time in preparing your belongings.

Here’s what you can expect on a well-managed moving day:

  • Your movers will show up on time. It’s important to double-check with your moving company a few days before you move to see when they’ll be at your home. Be up and ready for them at least 30 minutes before they arrive. You don’t want to be completely caught off guard if they arrive a bit early.
  • You can have refreshments ready. Whether it’s 90 degrees or 9 degrees outdoors, your workers will be moving and sweating. While a smorgasbord isn’t needed, it will help your move go faster if you have cold water available. Some homeowners add coffee, tea, and soda to the mix, but what you decide to do is up to you.
  • If they are packing, they’ll begin packing the items and furniture from each room. You should make sure ahead of time to remove all garbage and place odds and ends together in sensible groups. For instance, if there’s a selection of garden tools in a hard to reach closet at the very back of your shed, it will save time and prevent those items from being forgotten if you take them out ahead of time and leave them grouped somewhere together.
  • Once packed, your movers will put everything onto the truck. This is one of the most cost-effective jobs to hire out simply because professional movers know how to stack your belongings. They can fit more items into a smaller truck, which can greatly reduce your expenses. They will also do a better job of securing your items, so you run a lesser chance of an heirloom being broken.
  • They’ll meet you at your new location. If you’re involved in a relatively short move, you’ll leave around the same time as your movers and arrive at your new home before they do. Try to allow enough time to handle any problems you may run into, such as a door you can’t unlock or a lack of utilities. One of the most common problems is the hardest to deal with – showing up with people still living in your new home. If this happens, you’ll need storage quick, so be sure to have those types of numbers on hand just in case.
  • Unload, unpack, and tip for a job well done. If your new home is in the condition you expect, there should be no issue with the movers unloading your belongings, and unpacking if they’ve been hired to do so. Many contracts give you a limited length of time to look for damages, but it rarely has to be done the same day. The final step you do want to remember though is tipping your moving team. Normal rates depend on the area, so it’s a good idea to call local movers and ask before you budget the job.

Residential moves are fraught with anxiety, but they don’t have to be. Hire a professional company to handle all of those tiny inconveniences, as well as manage the heavy lifting. Click this link to visit Nilson Van online or call 803-223-9736 to find out our residential moves secret for lasting 75 years in the business.

Can I Find out Where My Shipment Is during a Military Move?

Tracking shipments is easy when you’re moving in the military.

Nilson Van Truck Traveling Down The Road With Shipments Onboard

One of the big fears involved with moving in the military is the risk of losing your belongings. Starting over in a new town is hard enough without having a bare home to contend with. Fortunately, lost shipments are a rarity when you deal with an experienced moving company.

Here are just a few ways to keep track of your possessions when you’re on the road:

  • Get those digits. Once you leave your home, you’ll need a way to keep in touch with your moving team. Make sure you have the phone number for your moving van’s driver along with the company’s main line. If there are any delays—such as traffic, construction or auto problems—you can be in direct contact with the people who need to stay in-the-know.
  • Have a local contact. If possible, have someone at your new home able to act as your representative. Military families sometimes run into trouble when their shipments arrive before they do. If there’s no one to let your movers into your home or sign off on your delivery, the driver may take your belongings back to the company warehouse for short-term storage. This can cause significant delays.
  • Talk with your moving company. In the event of a missed shipment, you shouldn’t worry about your items being lost. Call your moving company’s direct line. Each shipment—and each load placed into storage—is carefully tracked. While you may not be able to get real-time GPS coordinates for your belongings, your moving company should have no trouble giving you a rough estimation of where your household items are or how long it may take to deliver them to your home.

Nilson Van helps families moving in the military who are located in SC, and select areas in NC and Georgia. Click this link or call 803-786-1090 (local) or 800-845-2682 (toll free) to schedule a move or ask more about Nilson Van’s tracking features for families moving in the military.

How Far in Advance Should I Begin Planning My International Move?

Moving internationally goes smoothly if you take time to be prepared.

Nilson Van & Storage - Moving Services

Moving internationally can be a complicated endeavor. You’re sure to have problems if you don’t take time to plan. Hiring an experienced moving company is another essential to ensure your belongings arrive intact at your new address.

Follow this checklist when getting ready for an international move:

90 Days Out

  • If you’re a homeowner, talk with a realtor about selling or renting your current property.
  • Request quotes from moving companies experienced in international moves.
  • Get your paperwork in order. Have copies of your IDs, birth certificates, social security cards, passports and tax returns securely scanned and stored for easy retrieval.
  • Talk with your children’s school on how to handle transfers.

60 Days Out

  • Start listing items you intend to sell before you move.
  • Schedule medical checkups with doctors, dentists and optometrists, and request copies of your records.
  • Deliver changes of address to family, friends, and business contacts.
  • Order stops on any contract services you won’t be using while you’re away, such as cable or mobile phones.
  • Set up online access to your banking features or find suitable alternatives.

30 Days Out

  • Pack everything you won’t need for your last month in the states.
  • Get all the paperwork for your moving company organized and turned in.
  • Order stops on your utilities.
  • Pay all of your outstanding bills.
  • Plan your going away parties.

7 Days Out

  • Ready suitcases with essentials capable of lasting at least a month.
  • Double-check all shipping and moving information. Secure delivery dates when possible. Make sure you have everyone’s contact information and a method for getting in touch when necessary.

Moving Day

  • Go through your home one last time for anything left behind.
  • Say your final goodbyes to friends and family, and start off on your new journey.

Nilson Van assists individuals, families and companies who are moving internationally. Take advantage of our experience and overseas partnerships. Moving internationally can be a complicated endeavor. You’re sure to have problems if you don’t take time to plan. Hiring an experienced moving company is another essential to ensure your belongings arrive intact at your new address. Follow this checklist when getting ready for an international move: 90 Days Out •If you’re a homeowner, talk with a realtor about selling or renting your current property. •Request quotes from moving companies experienced in international moves. •Get your paperwork in order. Have copies of your IDs, birth certificates, social security cards, passports and tax returns securely scanned and stored for easy retrieval. •Talk with your children’s school on how to handle transfers. 60 Days Out •Start listing items you intend to sell before you move. •Schedule medical checkups with doctors, dentists and optometrists, and request copies of your records. •Deliver changes of address to family, friends, and business contacts. •Order stops on any contract services you won’t be using while you’re away, such as cable or mobile phones. •Set up online access to your banking features or find suitable alternatives. 30 Days Out •Pack everything you won’t need for your last month in the states. •Get all the paperwork for your moving company organized and turned in. •Order stops on your utilities. •Pay all of your outstanding bills. •Plan your going away parties. 7 Days Out •Ready suitcases with essentials capable of lasting at least a month. •Double-check all shipping and moving information. Secure delivery dates when possible. Make sure you have everyone’s contact information and a method for getting in touch when necessary. Moving Day •Go through your home one last time for anything left behind. •Say your final goodbyes to friends and family, and start off on your new journey. Nilson Van assists individuals, families and companies who are moving internationally. Take advantage of our experience and overseas partnerships.

Click this link or give us a call at 803-223-9736 (local) or 844-668-3721 (toll free) for a free quote for moving internationally today.

How Do You Plan a Warehouse Move?

Business relocations are especially tricky when warehouses are involved.

Nilson Van Helping a Business Complete a Warehouse Relocation

Business relocations sometimes involve moving warehouses. Chances are, this job is going to be much more complicated than you assume. Nilson Van is experienced in these types of jobs, and we’ve devised a system for making them go as fast and stress-free as possible.

Feel free to follow our simplified warehouse moving checklist:

  1. Assess your new warehouse space. The building code for your current location could be much different than the area you’re moving to. Make sure you work with a local builder on what will be needed to successfully occupy the space and start operations. Everything from modifying your storage areas to installing adequate sprinkling systems and establishing appropriate routes for egress could cause delays and major expenses.
  2. Decide which equipment and inventory to take. A move is an excellent time to clean house. You may wind up saving by selling off older equipment in your current location and buying new units near your new facility.
  3. Schedule enough manpower during the process. Work could take double the time and effort as you’re shifting locations. You’ll need to beef up everything from third-party services to management providers until your move is complete.
  4. Keep your customers up-to-date. Ensuring your clients have your new address is one of the most important parts of successfully moving to a new warehouse. You really want to go the extra mile, and give each of your active accounts personalized attention so payments, orders, and shipments aren’t lost in the shuffle.

If you’re located in South Carolina, or select North Carolina or Georgia locales, Nilson Van will lend expertise to your business relocations. Take advantage of our seamless planning protocols by clicking this link or calling 803-223-9736 (local) or 844-668-3721 (toll-free) to get your free quote for business relocations today.

Should I Tip Professional Movers?

Learn the etiquette involved with residential moves, and schedule your date without any stress.

Nilson Van and Storage

Don’t let questions on etiquette stand in the way of scheduling professional services for your residential moves. They provide too many benefits to ignore. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the experts for their opinion. Nilson Van can address your concerns, so there won’t be any stress involved in scheduling your services.

Here are the most common moving etiquette questions answered by the pros:

Should I tip my professional movers?

In the United States, customers often tip service professionals of all kind, whether they are cutting your hair, serving you drinks or delivering your luggage to your room. Your tip is a reward for good to stellar performance and should only be forgone in the event of bad service. Tipping rates for movers vary widely depending on location and the effort involved in your move, however, rates should start at $20 per person. Feel free to ask about regular tipping rates when you set your dates.

What should I do with odds and ends on moving day?

Homeowners sometimes have a selection of loose items waiting for movers on moving day. Forgotten or odd-shaped items, like plastic plants or floor lamps, should always be in boxes or wrapped in moving blankets to prevent loss or damage. Moving companies offer packing services if you need help. If not, having extra boxes, tape and packing materials on hand on moving day can really pay off.

Should I offer my movers food and drinks?

While not a necessity, offering your movers cold water is often much appreciated. Regardless of what time of the year you’ll be moving, your workers will be sweating heavily. They’ll need to stay hydrated in order to keep up their energy. If you would like to offer them food, keep this in mind: foods are best kept to healthy snacks and hors-d’oeuvres, as movers likely won’t have the time to enjoy a meal. Select foods that will sit light on the stomach and be easy on digestive tracks.

Hiring help for residential moves is generally worth more than homeowners assume. It’s perfectly acceptable to reward them with tips, as well as cold water, to show you’re grateful for their help.

Click this link to schedule movers who are worth the extra effort by contacting Nilson Van in advance of your residential moves. Visit us online or call 803-223-9736 (local) 844-668-3721 (toll-free) to make your appointment today.

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How long does a military move usually take?

Moving in the military takes plenty of preparation.

Nilson Van Building with moving truck outside

If you’re moving in the military, you may have only a few weeks to get ready. An experienced moving professional will already be prepared in many ways. From lists of allowable goods to a moving schedule to-do list you can customize to your timetable, Nilson Van has the resources you need to make this process as easy as possible. There are many things you can do to complete your move as fast as possible too.

Here are just a few ways you can help Nilson Van deliver your items ASAP:

  • Schedule your move right away. Contact Nilson Van as soon as you get moving orders. Schedule an in-person quote, and keep your weight limits in mind. Based on the number of belongings you own and the allotment you’re given for the move, you may want to leave certain items behind and replace them in your new location. Be sure to point these issues out when you’re visited by a Nilson Van representative.
  • Stay in contact throughout the whole process. Door-to-door service is the fastest move you’ll have available. The company shows up, packs your belongings, ships them to your new home and then unpacks them on arrival. Unfortunately, there are several types of military moves, so plans can be confused before and during the job. It’s important to let the movers know periodically that you’re expecting door-to-door service. You should also make sure you or someone helping you can be reached by phone at any time. If you can, get the contact information for your van driver, just in case any problems arise.
  • Be home to accept your goods. If you’ve heard horror stories about moves taking a month or more to complete, delivery was the likely problem. Moving companies, especially those with military contracts, stay very busy. If they’re ready to move your belongings and you aren’t home, they’ll have to unload your belongings somewhere while they get to work moving items for someone else. Once that happens, you’ll be placed on the storage delivery list, which can be just as long as the one used for door-to-door moving service.

If you’re moving in the military, schedule the job with Nilson Van to ensure a successful and stress-free process. Visit online today or call 800-845-2682 to speak with an expert.