Moving with a pet is easy when you follow these simple tips.
Residential moves are tough as is, but add a pet to the mix and things can get extra complicated. Ease the burden by following these simple tips:
If possible, ask a friend to host your pet while you’re busy moving. With the door constantly wide open, the moving process will present your pet with numerous opportunities to make a run for it. If you can’t find another environment for your pet, set aside one empty, quiet room — and keep the door shut.
The transition of moving can be traumatic for pets, but familiar objects and settings help. Get your pet used to his or her crate or kennel in advance. If you don’t yet have a kennel and must buy a new one, line the floor with your pet’s favorite towel or blanket.
Chaos is normal during a move, but you can handle it better than your pets. Try your best to maintain typical feeding and walking times during your move and especially after you reach your new location.
Don’t force your pet to spend long stretches of time alone once you settle in. If possible, take a vacation day from work to spend some time around the house with your pet. Make it clear that, while your living arrangements may change, you’re not going anywhere.
Plan for your pet’s care and transition to your new environment well in advance. The better prepared you are for your move, the easier this transition will be for your four-legged family member.
Residential moves with pets need not be a fiasco. With Nilson Van & Storage in your corner, you can make it through this process quickly and completely stress-free.
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