What Out-Of-Pocket Expenses Should We Expect for a Military Move?

Military stipends will drastically reduce your moving expenses during a typical military move. Do you have a military move on the brain? If there’s one thing military families know, it’s that they should expect frequent relocations. After a few military moves, you will have a firm grasp on all the paperwork required to get most of your moving expenses covered. But if you are new to military moves, it can be hard to figure out what’s covered and what isn’t. Our team at Nilson Van & Storage can help you figure out what out-of-pocket expenses you should expect for your military move.

Packing and Shipping Coverage

The military should cover most or all expenses associated with packing and shipping your belongings to your new home. There are several relocation reimbursement programs that will provide money for your moving expenses. Why not take advantage of these great benefits? Hiring an experienced moving company can save you hours of labor and loads of stress.

Military Stipends

Your military family can receive several military stipends during your relocation. These will cover gas, hotels and food while your family drives to your new home. These stipends can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket moving expenses.

Move-In Housing Allowances

If you are moving overseas, the military will provide you with one-time move-in allowances. This money can help you make your new international home more secure and habitable. Plus, you can use it toward your initial rent-related expenses.

Let Nilson Van & Storage Help with Your Military Move

Nilson has assisted thousands of military families through the relocation process. Let us make your military move smooth and painless. Contact us today to explore your options.