The 3 Best Things About Hiring a Company that Offers Both Moving and Storage Services
What should you do if you need moving and storage services?
Not every relocation company offers moving and storage services, but it's a godsend when they go hand-in-hand. Moving can be a stressful time filled with uncertainty. You never know when you'll run into problems and require extra services. Here are just a few situations when working with a moving and storage company could save your skin.
1. If Your Move is Short-Term
This is especially common for college students who are just relocating for the summer. If you want your belongings to stay near your university, you can hire a moving company to remove them,
store them for the summer, and then move them into your new dorm or apartment once school is back in session. Families moving overseas may need moving and storage for similar reasons, but for longer duration.
2. If Your Furniture is Too Big For Your New Home
The overstuffed sofa you love so much or grandma's grand piano you brought all the way from Baton Rouge may not make such a great fit as you had imagined. Your movers will use every trick in the book to get them indoors, but if they simply won't work, you'll need a safe place to store your belongings until you can make arrangements for them that you'll be happy with.
3. If Your Home is Damaged
Floods, fires, and tornadoes can leave behind massive destruction and create ongoing problems. Oftentimes, homes are damaged as a result of acts of nature, and you may not know what to do. You may have no intentions of moving out for good, but sometimes it's best to remove the contents of your house and store them safely while you make repairs.
There are quite a few scenarios where moving and storage complement one another, but not every company has the resources or experience needed to provide both of them well. It's important to find out beforehand if your movers offer comprehensive assistance in order to ensure you'll be protected no matter what happens.
Talk to moving and storage experts, Nilson Van, about your upcoming move.