How Far in Advance Should I Begin Planning My International Move?
Moving internationally goes smoothly if you take time to be prepared.
Moving internationally can be a complicated endeavor. You’re sure to have problems if you don’t take time to plan. Hiring an experienced moving company is another essential to ensure your belongings arrive intact at your new address.
Follow this checklist when getting ready for an international move:
90 Days Out
- If you’re a homeowner, talk with a realtor about selling or renting your current property.
- Request quotes from moving companies experienced in international moves.
- Get your paperwork in order. Have copies of your IDs, birth certificates, social security cards, passports and tax returns securely scanned and stored for easy retrieval.
- Talk with your children’s school on how to handle transfers.
60 Days Out
- Start listing items you intend to sell before you move.
- Schedule medical checkups with doctors, dentists and optometrists, and request copies of your records.
- Deliver changes of address to family, friends, and business contacts.
- Order stops on any contract services you won’t be using while you’re away, such as cable or mobile phones.
- Set up online access to your banking features or find suitable alternatives.
30 Days Out
- Pack everything you won’t need for your last month in the states.
- Get all the paperwork for your moving company organized and turned in.
- Order stops on your utilities.
- Pay all of your outstanding bills.
- Plan your going away parties.
7 Days Out
- Ready suitcases with essentials capable of lasting at least a month.
- Double-check all shipping and moving information. Secure delivery dates when possible. Make sure you have everyone’s contact information and a method for getting in touch when necessary.
Moving Day
- Go through your home one last time for anything left behind.
- Say your final goodbyes to friends and family, and start off on your new journey.
Nilson Van assists individuals, families and companies who are moving internationally. Take advantage of our experience and overseas partnerships. Moving internationally can be a complicated endeavor. You’re sure to have problems if you don’t take time to plan. Hiring an experienced moving company is another essential to ensure your belongings arrive intact at your new address. Follow this checklist when getting ready for an international move: 90 Days Out •If you’re a homeowner, talk with a realtor about selling or renting your current property. •Request quotes from moving companies experienced in international moves. •Get your paperwork in order. Have copies of your IDs, birth certificates, social security cards, passports and tax returns securely scanned and stored for easy retrieval. •Talk with your children’s school on how to handle transfers. 60 Days Out •Start listing items you intend to sell before you move. •Schedule medical checkups with doctors, dentists and optometrists, and request copies of your records. •Deliver changes of address to family, friends, and business contacts. •Order stops on any contract services you won’t be using while you’re away, such as cable or mobile phones. •Set up online access to your banking features or find suitable alternatives. 30 Days Out •Pack everything you won’t need for your last month in the states. •Get all the paperwork for your moving company organized and turned in. •Order stops on your utilities. •Pay all of your outstanding bills. •Plan your going away parties. 7 Days Out •Ready suitcases with essentials capable of lasting at least a month. •Double-check all shipping and moving information. Secure delivery dates when possible. Make sure you have everyone’s contact information and a method for getting in touch when necessary. Moving Day •Go through your home one last time for anything left behind. •Say your final goodbyes to friends and family, and start off on your new journey. Nilson Van assists individuals, families and companies who are moving internationally. Take advantage of our experience and overseas partnerships.
Click this link or give us a call at 803-223-9736 (local) or 844-668-3721 (toll free) for a free quote for moving internationally today.