Welcome to the New Nilson Mayflower Site!

Check Out What’s New.

We’ve brought an updated look and feel to our Mayflower brand. But don’t worry – this is still the same Nilson Van & Storage who’s been providing high quality, professional service for over 70 years. We wanted our website to be as easy to use and informative as a phone call to our office. Feel free to explore the website and see what we’ve got to offer!

You’ll find plenty of information on our wide variety of services – from packing and moving within the same city to helping you relocate across the world, from homeowners to businesses to specialized government/military moves. Our website has all the information you need, including breakdowns of each process so that you know what to expect when you move with our professionals.

And don’t forget to come back to this blog often, as we’ll be updating it regularly with news and answers to your moving and storage questions.

In the meantime, if you have anymore questions or need help with a move, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

The 3 Best Things About Hiring a Company that Offers Both Moving and Storage Services

What should you do if you need moving and storage services?

Not every relocation company offers moving and storage services, but it’s a godsend when they go hand-in-hand. Moving can be a stressful time filled with uncertainty. You never know when you’ll run into problems and require extra services. Here are just a few situations when working with a moving and storage company could save your skin.

1. If Your Move is Short-Term

This is especially common for college students who are just relocating for the summer. If you want your belongings to stay near your university, you can hire a moving company to remove them, store them for the summer, and then move them into your new dorm or apartment once school is back in session. Families moving overseas may need moving and storage for similar reasons, but for longer duration.

2. If Your Furniture is Too Big For Your New Home

The overstuffed sofa you love so much or grandma’s grand piano you brought all the way from Baton Rouge may not make such a great fit as you had imagined. Your movers will use every trick in the book to get them indoors, but if they simply won’t work, you’ll need a safe place to store your belongings until you can make arrangements for them that you’ll be happy with.

3. If Your Home is Damaged

Floods, fires, and tornadoes can leave behind massive destruction and create ongoing problems. Oftentimes, homes are damaged as a result of acts of nature, and you may not know what to do. You may have no intentions of moving out for good, but sometimes it’s best to remove the contents of your house and store them safely while you make repairs.

There are quite a few scenarios where moving and storage complement one another, but not every company has the resources or experience needed to provide both of them well. It’s important to find out beforehand if your movers offer comprehensive assistance in order to ensure you’ll be protected no matter what happens.

Talk to moving and storage experts, Nilson Van, about your upcoming move.

Getting Transferred? Here are 4 Key Ways to Get the Most from Relocation Moving Companies

How can you make every dollar spent on relocation moving companies count?

Hiring relocation moving companies can be a nerve-wracking experience. While hiring these people is designed to help make your life easier, too often it can also create some feelings of worry or guilt. You don’t want to overburden someone through your own mistakes or oversights, and you don’t want to make it more likely for your items to be damaged in someone else’s hands.

Take these tips from the pros to find the healthy balance of involvement that will lead to a smooth and easy move.

  1. Dressers are great moving containers. They’re solid, roomy, and especially difficult to misplace. It’s also fairly obvious where they should go once they’re moved into your new home, so make the most of this level of convenience. Pack lightweight bedroom items in your dresser for your move. Sheets, pajamas, and even an outfit or two are a good way to get started in your new home right away without having to unpack everything first.
  2. Pack heavier things in smaller packages. No matter how big his muscles are, your professional mover is not going to appreciate a big box full of hardcover books. Make sure your heaviest items are packed in an easy-to-carry manner. It’s not just considerate, it makes your items safer to handle. Ensuring these boxes are small enough to handle safely will reduce your risks of damage to your items and your movers.
  3. Pack accessories with their pals for easier unpacking. During a move, you’re not just concerned with leaving point A. You want to make sure it’s easy to unpack and get established at point B. A common headache people run into during relocations is having to deal with missing pieces. A tablet without a stylus or a camera without a charger can cause a lot of needless frustration. Bundling accessories with their devices help you avoid these types of situations.
  4. Box up as much as possible. Whether you’re shoving socks into your dresser or putting garden tools into an old appliance box, the uniformity will help your items stay safe during travel. They also make moving faster and more efficient, especially when labeled by content and intended location. Boxed items are easier to handle, organize, and locate.

Good organization can make a move fast and easy, but your efforts can quickly go to waste if you end up working with an unreliable relocation moving company. Don’t make that mistake. Call Nilson Van today at 800-845-2682 to get the most of every dollar you spend and start life out right in your new destination.

Welcome to Nilson United!

Welcome to the new Nilson Van & Storage United website! 

As you can tell, we’ve got an updated look for our United brand. But don’t worry, we are still providing the same high level of service that we have for generations. With a history built on placing our customers first, this new site is just our latest effort to make any move easier and quicker than ever. We hope you take a look around and get a feel for who we are and what we do.

Whether you are moving right next door or across the world, we have trained professionals ready to help. On this site, you can find more details about our entire range of moving services. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for information on packing services, commercial logistics, or specialized military/government moves – you will find your answers here.

And don’t forget to check back often, as this blog will regularly update with news and articles that will make your next move a cinch.

If you have any questions or need assistance with an upcoming move, never hesitate to contact us.

Moving Equipment: It’s More Than Just a Handcart and a Tape Gun

Do you have all the moving equipment and supplies you need?

One of the best features of a professional moving company is the amount of moving equipment they already own. Depending upon the help you need, you might save more money hiring a crew to complete your move out. You could rent or borrow certain items, but no one wants to purchase hand trucks or car ramps to use just one time. Consider your property carefully before you decide to go DIY.

Here’s a list of the moving equipment you may find coming in handy during your next move:

  • Dollies can be surprisingly convenient, affordable, and versatile. If you’re renting a moving van, you’ll likely find one inside. Just be careful you read the fine print of your agreement. Using the rental may wind up costing you more in fees than if you purchased a dolly for yourself.
  • Hand trucks are often mistaken for dollies. They consist of a ground-level platform with wheels and a back with a handle. These also come in lifting and electronic varieties, and can make moving appliances, boxes, and other heavy items especially easy.
  • Ramps are an often-forgotten piece of moving equipment. They make moving dollies and hand trucks up and down stairs, over curbs and into moving vehicles easy.
  • Moving straps and blankets are used to cover furniture, appliances, and other property to secure and protect them from damage during the moving process.
  • Moving boxes and containers can come in all kinds of materials, shapes, and sizes. Containers can be especially helpful if they’re made specifically for one type of item. For instance, there are containers designed for flat screen televisions and monitors and also ones for packing fine china.
  • Tape! In fact, stock up on more tape than you can even imagine needing, because even if you have more than you need for your move, you’ll use it eventually. You don’t want to have to buy tape from a moving company, when you could get it on your own for less.

In addition to having these items, a professional moving company knows how to use them. When you’re paying for these services, you’re also paying for their expertise. Using specialty devices, professional movers can safely pack your items together in the smallest space possible. They can also do it quickly and with no strain to your back or muscles.

Talk to the experts at Nilson Van about the moving equipment available to you, and compare how much extra it will cost to move when renting these products comes into play.

Curious About International Movers? Here’s How They Get Your Stuff from Point A to Point B

Are your international movers trustworthy?

International movers often handle large jobs, and when using the wrong service, it’s easy to see why you might lose track of your goods in the moving process. Some companies subcontract to the lowest-priced service providers in foreign locations. This can lead to damaged, lost, or delayed shipments resulting in large fines for moving items incorrectly across country borders.

Good Movers Know the Laws on Importing

Subcontracting services is the way to go, sometimes. Contacts within a country can be the best source for navigating through moving rules and regulations. Problems arise when your international movers disregard the law and get caught in the process. Unfortunately, you are the one who will often wind up facing the penalties.

Good Movers Have a System

International moves can get very complicated rather quickly, so trust companies when they present plans you think might be too overboard, as they are likely planning for any eventuality. Deadlines and schedules can make or break a move, so by following their advice during the planning and prep stages, you will come out ahead.

The International Moving Process

Once your items are packed and hauled off, they’re typically moved into heavy-duty shipment containers at shipyards, and then loaded onto boats. It’s during this stage when accidents often occur and property gets damaged. Why? It’s because cranes are hard to navigate delicately, and complex machinery is being used to move your belongings around.

When the boat lands near your new destination, the contents may be taken into state custody for observation. Government agents can go through shipments looking for contraband of all sorts. If banned items are found in your shipment, you could face fines, interrogation, or worse. This is also the stage where you may have to pay to bring certain things into the country, which can wind up costing a pretty penny. Make sure you work with movers who can give you an idea of what these payments will run in advance.

When your property finally arrives at your destination, expect the company to bring it to your new home. During unloading and unpacking, you’ll have a chance to review your property, checking for problems. This will generally be compared to a master list to ensure that none of your property is missing.

International movers have a huge job to do, and only a few do it right. Call Nilson Van and schedule the job immediately. They have the experience and reputation you’ll find easy to trust.

Here’s the Perfect Moving Calculator to Keep You From Freaking Out About the Cost of Your In-State Move

Can you trust an online moving calculator to give accurate estimates?

You can find dozens of different moving calculators online to help estimate the cost of your in-state move. These can be found on professional moving websites, general consumer sites or, not surprisingly, on websites where moving supplies are found. The real question lies in which estimate can you trust, it could be hard to tell. The majority of these calculators don’t provide any useful advice. They’re simply an interactive form of advertising.

Accurate Moving Estimates Require a Closer Look

The only truly accurate moving calculator is an experienced moving professional who is able to judge the situation firsthand with an eye on your situation and household goods. These experts know how to efficiently stack furniture and belongings, and they know the types of containers they’ll need. More importantly, movers with experience can often eyeball a load and accurately estimate the amount of time it will take to complete a full job. As most jobs charge a per hour fee, knowing how long it will take to move is especially handy.

Comparing Online Moving Calculators

It’s easy to check the accuracy of an online moving calculator by visiting more than one site. Visit five or ten, but be prepared for five or ten different results. Understand also that this method has no real bearing on what your particular moving expenses will be. A large, overstuffed couch takes more time to move than a minimalist style couch. A waterbed takes longer to break down than a typical queen frame. It’s these kinds of differences that make online or moving estimates over the phone so difficult to get right.

Contact Nilson Van to request a free estimate. You’ll be shocked by how much the process differs from any moving calculator online. Afterall, it’s an estimate you can act on and trust.

How Much Prep Work is Required Before the Furniture Moving Companies Swoop In

How much is too much to ask of furniture moving companies?

Furniture moving companies are paid to pack, load, and haul your goods, but this can leave many homeowners uncomfortable. Standing around watching strangers strain their backs to lift your furniture can leave you feeling guilty for looking like a lazy taskmaster of sorts. The key to escaping this effect isn’t by leaving the house. It’s learning how much prep work you’re really expected to do before they show up so they can do exactly what they’re supposed to do without delay.

Focus on a few simple ways you can ready your property for a move and make your movers feel appreciated.

  • Place similar items together. You might have hired a company to pack and transport each room of your house separately, but there are still random items that could go anywhere (and often do). Miscellaneous items should all be placed together. The same goes for garden tools, holiday supplies, and numerous other mixed item groups.
  • Pick up around the house. Believe it or not, some people expect furniture moving companies to work around their mess. This seriously delays and interrupts the packing process. It also increases your chances that your garbage will be packed along with your goods. Avoid paying to ship candy wrappers across state lines. Do your best to contain your mess before movers arrive.
  • Provide refreshments. Surely you want movers in and out of your home as quickly as possible, but they are still guests in your home. If a day is especially hot and humid, or cold and clammy, provide appropriate refreshments for your moving team. This could include chilled bottles of water, coffee, and crackers or other light snacks. Also provide a clearly labeled receptacle for collecting related trash.

Hiring someone to move your furniture can be awkward, but it’s important to respect the boundaries of their jobs. Getting involved generally creates more problems than it’s worth and can lead to improperly packed items.

Call 800-845-2682 to schedule a date with one of the best furniture moving companies in your area.

How Many Cardboard Boxes Do You Really Need? Here’s How to Tell

You really can have too many cardboard boxes.

Cardboard boxes are usually the go-to supply during a move, but how many do you really need? Having too many boxes will become a money waste. A surplus of boxes will also get in your way and be an inconvenience. Buying too few, on the other hand, could result in items not being packed on schedule or having to rely on worn out boxes that you can’t trust to keep your property safe.

Your Movers Can Help

Professional movers often provide boxes for your family. They would chip away at their profits if they weren’t skilled at estimating how many boxes you’ll need for your move. They want you to have just enough for your move, and no more or less. If you’re buying your own materials, call your movers and ask for their opinion.

Use an Online Estimator

There are various sites online where you can enter information about your home and receive a supply list. Depending on the site, you may be encouraged to buy a number of expensive products in the process, however. It is always best to exercise your best judgment and avoid wasting money on unneeded products. Most individuals won’t have much use for 12 dish-specific containers, but an aspiring chef might need twice that amount.

Go With a Rough Estimate

Typically, you’ll find you need 8-12 boxes per room, depending on how much you’re moving, as well as your property’s weight and size. It’s important to get enough boxes so that none are overfilled. Packing too many items in one box leads to damage, as they become too squashed together and heavy to lift. Likewise, items like dishes and musical instruments may require special containers to keep safe through the move.

Get a free quote on your next move, on everything from the lifting and shifting to special moving tools and cardboard boxes.

Top 3 Household Items Packing Companies Make It Easier to Move

Leave the following valuables to professional packing companies, and save your back and your wallet.

There are certain items you should leave to packing companies to secure during your next move. Overly delicate or bulky, hard-to-pack items will quickly become the worst part of your move if you let them. Find a way to not deal with items like that and you won’t end up cranky or unhappy at your move’s end.

If you hire professionals to complete the move, all your items will be carefully packed and shipped, leaving you without the headache. The move will be over before you know it.

1. Mirrors

Leave mirrors of all kinds to packing companies to preserve. Professional movers have special knowledge of methods and techniques to help keep these items safe during even the bumpiest rides. If one does happen to break, your mover’s insurance will cover the loss.

2. Plates

Most homeowners pad their plates with tissue paper or newsprint, but movers have special shipping containers for glassware and fine china. Their containers cushion each piece and allow for shifting. To purchase or rent such containers yourself would probably cost you more than just hiring the whole job out.

3. Incidentals

Sometimes it’s best to call in the pros when you aren’t sure how to pack an item. It may turn out that you need to make special arrangements, as sometimes moving companies are legally can’t carry certain items. Moving companies can supply you with a list of prohibited items if you are packing on your own, or just have them do the packing and save the headache.

Visit one of the top packing companies in your area for a free quote today.