How Do I Pack for an International Move?

The right service partners make moving internationally a breeze.

How do you pack when moving internationally? What are you allowed—and not allowed—to include? Which belongings are best left behind, and what won’t be available for replacement in your new location? Nilson Van can help answer all your questions.

Here are just a few pieces of information to help Columbia residents begin their international adventures on the right foot:

The cost of your move is determined by the weight of your goods.

Knowing the difference weight makes in an international move can help you weed out possessions you can do without. Dishes, books and heavy furniture are often best sold before your move with the money put toward replacements. However, if this isn’t possible, it’s important to know whether you can legally take your belongings with you.

You may need help with import and export rules.

Every country controls the products able to enter and leave its borders. Some of the items on the banned list can be surprising. Due to random bits of legislation, like CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) for instance, there are dozens of prohibited items few people would think about, such as items containing Australian redwood or your video gaming console.

Packing safely will take the right tools.

Most homeowners don’t know the right way to pack. They rarely do it, but somehow expect themselves to be experienced enough to keep belongings safe. Skating by on good fortune may work for short moves, but if you’re headed overseas and your possessions will be in shipping containers, do yourself a favor and hire a professional packing team. Not only will they ensure the safety of your items, but they’ll also likely charge you much less than you’re expecting.

Click this link to contact Nilson Van when you’re moving internationally. We have tips on packing and ideas to help you make your relocation as possible. Visit online or call 844-668-3721.

When Is the Best Time to Move My Business?

Business relocations can boost your business when they’re motivated by the right things.

Business relocations can help with retention, business generation and future growth. Just make sure you time them correctly. Moving from one building to the next is also one way small business owners gauge their success, so make sure you’re not jumping the gun.

Answer these questions before you move your business:

  • Will our new location fit our future needs? Moving your business is a monumental endeavor. Besides the backbreaking work and extra bills, your employees and clients are forced into change—a problem with sometimes surprising impact. It’s essential then to make sure you don’t have to move regularly. Aim for a new space capable of meeting your needs now and in the future.
  • How attractive is our new locale? Attractive isn’t just relevant to looks. Locations can be highly desirable for many reasons. An office in the right neighborhood might wow clients and draw the attention of high caliber employees. A new location may provide easier access to major roadways or high-speed Internet connections. Price alone rarely makes a move worthwhile.
  • What happens if we don’t move right now? Often, the most cost effective move is the one you decide not to make. Growing a business can make you antsy for progress, but it is best not to rush. If there’s not a pressing need to change your location, strongly consider staying put until you do need an expansion in order to grow your profits.

Once you’ve decided on the best date for your move, click this link to contact Nilson Van—Columbia’s expert on business relocations. Visit us online or call 800-845-2682.

How Should I Pack My Fine China for Moving?

Residential moves involve an endless number of special circumstances.

Residential moves pose many challenges for novice packers. Pictures, mirrors, china and other breakables require more than just a special touch. Professional packers can take care of all of these issues for you. However, you’ll need help if you plan to pack by yourself.

You’ll need to follow these expert tips to safely pack your china:

Newsprint, versus newspaper, makes the best packing paper.

You can often find cheap, blank newsprint at your local newspaper or online for very affordable prices. Newsprint is blank, so it doesn’t leave any marks or gum on the china you’re wrapping. It also doesn’t cover your hands in ink, so you don’t have to worry about staining other items.

Crumple, versus wrap, newsprint around each piece.

Many homeowners tightly wrap packing paper around plates and cups, leaving a bulk of paper they use as a cushion for the top. This leaves the majority of your china vulnerable. Instead, crumple the paper as you go and create a paper bubble around each item. Double or triple wrap when needed.

Secure delicate features separately.

Cups and teapots with elaborate and delicate handles should have those features protected separately. A paper cushion should be formed around the outside of the handle. Then the body of the cup should be wrapped. This should be followed by one sheet covering the entire item.

Stack plates in groups and pack them vertically.

China plates are vulnerable to cracking, so it’s important to pack them in a way to provide the most protection. To do this, it’s best to stack smaller plates together in groups of no more than three. The first plate is wrapped, the second is placed on top, and they are wrapped together. The third plate is placed on top of the stack, and it’s wrapped as one unit. The bundle of plates is then turned upside down, wrapped for a final time and placed on its side in the packing box.

Call 844-668-3721 or click this link to visit Nilson Van online to schedule help for residential moves. From packing fine china to moving pianos, we’ll have secure and affordable solutions for you.

Does it Cost More to Use a Full-Service Mover on a Military Move?

Moving in the military can be much cheaper than you’re expecting.

Moving in the military is surprisingly inexpensive, even when you hire full-service movers. In fact, you’re more likely to suffer from bloated expenses and nasty surprises when you try to manage things on your own. It’s important to remember that money spent directly on supplies, moving van rentals and gas isn’t all you aim to lose with a DIY move.

Consider all the benefits a full-service mover has to offer:

  • Expertly designed schedules keep your move on track. Military moves can be nerve-wracking, especially the first time around. Learn the ropes with an experienced professional. From start to finish, they’ll keep you on course.
  • Packing services allow for maximum protection and efficient shipping. Moving companies don’t just have all the supplies and equipment needed to move your belongings, their workers have been trained on the best way to pack. This helps the job go faster, and because every inch of van space will be utilized, the moving company will likely be able to use a smaller truck or van with lower operating costs.
  • The pros make it easy to split shipments. If you’re moving in the military, you may need a portion of your items placed in storage or sent home to your parents. Splitting shipments is easy and affordable when the pros are part of your plan.
  • Moving companies can often offer you secure short-and long-term storage.Instead of having to find your own storage units, when it’s needed, your moving company can provide you with a security storage location for your belongings. You can often get specialty services as well, like temperature-controlled units, at a big savings.
  • You’re reimbursed for lost and broken items. Nilson Van is a trusted name in the moving business because we don’t just do an outstanding job, we stand behind it with a guarantee. If your load is lost, stolen or damaged, our coverage will help you recover your losses. That’s a safety net you won’t have if you’re doing everything on your own.

Call 803-786-1090 to talk with an expert about moving in the military or vist Nilson Van online for more information today.

What Will Customs Charge in My International Move?

Moving internationally can come with some nasty surprises.

Moving internationally isn’t child’s play. If you’re moving out of the country, you already know that there’s a mountain of paperwork waiting for you. What you might not be prepared for is the flood of fees you’ll be facing just by bringing your belongings along. It’s not a problem as long as you’re prepared.

Consider how a country determines import fees and ways you can lower them:

  • Have you established residency yet? Most countries allow long-term visitors the ability to avoid import charges, but you’ll have to have established residency first. The process varies greatly between countries, as do customs charges. Play your cards right, and you won’t have many imports to claim at all.
  • Do you need your belongings right away? Some items are necessary for day-to-day living. The presence of others can be postponed while you wait for residency status to kick in. Before making any decisions resulting in big charges, first consider what it would cost to buy temporary stand-ins for a few months in your new location. It may be worth the wait.
  • Have you considered short-term storage? For those who would benefit from waiting, your moving company still has a lot to offer. For instance, you can schedule a multi-leg move, with essentials shipped straight away while all those other items are moved into short-term storage. Once your residency status is secure, you can have them shipped over at pennies on the dollar.

Can I Track My Employee’s Shipment During Relocation?

Keep business relocations simple by working with the right partners.

Who said business relocations have to be complicated? You can keep your finger on the pulse of your new employee’s move with very little effort by working with a reliable network of packing, storage, and moving service providers.

The process of keeping track of an employee’s shipment can be fairly simple. Just ask your movers the following questions:

  • Do you have a tracking system? You’d be surprised at the big name moving companies with no tracking system. They dispatch trucks but have no way of determining where they are until they reach their final destination. This leaves you in the precarious role of having to waste precious time on the phone waiting for information a company like Nilson Van could give you with the push of a button.
  • How can customers track their shipments? Our program relies on names, order numbers, and other protected information to keep tabs on moving vans. This allows for the use of an automated system capable of telling people where their belongings currently are and where they’re headed. Any problems can be identified right away, and corrections—though rarely needed—can be instituted immediately.
  • Who is allowed to check this information? As the employer, you may have reason for tracking shipments, but many times it’s more efficient to let your employee look up this information. Unfortunately, some companies refuse to give this information out to anyone but their direct clients—meaning, in some cases, employers. Other moving companies have very lax rules on confidentiality and will tell nearly anyone whose items are being moved, where they are going and maybe even give them details of shipping container contents.

Visit Nilson Van online or call to inquire about our tracking program.

How Should I Organize Packing for a Move?

Residential moves are much easier with help.

Residential moves don’t have to be hectic. Start life off in your new location on the right foot. Hire out packing and moving services so you can stay focused on the other elements of getting settled in your new home. It’s more affordable than you think, and you’ll find the process amazingly easy with a few simple steps.

For instance, if you hire packing out to a professional moving company, all you need to do is the following, to ensure your belongings reach their destination in perfect condition. Here are some tips that will help you:

  • Clear out clutter. Moving presents the perfect time to pare down your belongings to just those items you really want to keep. Hold a garage sale, donate or throw out possessions you know are taking up space in your house but not adding to your life. Once these are cleared out, you’ll have less to pack and move. Your space will also be more open, allowing packers easier access to your important items.
  • Prepare appliances. Make sure the fridge, freezer, washer, dryer and other appliances are clear of food, water, and belongings. They need to be safe to move without the risk of them damaging other items by leaking on the floor.
  • Find a babysitter or pet sitter for moving day. Unlike contractors who work on areas closed off to the rest of the house, packers and movers work throughout your whole house. They also keep doors open to expedite moving and sorting, and they’ll be dealing with some big, bulky items. Having children and pets underfoot is a risk for everyone.
  • Label generously. One of the biggest advantages of hiring out a moving job is the ease with which you can unpack. Give your packers direction, and yourself a leg up, by labeling items based on where you want them to end up. Also label any items you don’t want the professionals handling and anything you don’t want moved to your new location.

Residential moves are surprisingly quick and easy when you take full advantage of the services available to you. Call 803-223-9736 to schedule packing and moving services in or around Columbia, SC.

Can I Get Temporary Storage for a Military Move?

You’ll be surprised at all the resources available when you’re moving in the military.

Moving in the military can feel like quite an ordeal. Not only are you being jerked from your home and tossed into some new location, but you may also be dealing with new responsibilities and risks on the job. Worrying about where to put grandma’s heirloom dining set probably isn’t your first concern, but it is an issue many service members deal with. Sometimes, you just own too much to move to each of your assignments. If your move is temporary, however, storage can be a big benefit.

There are two basic types of storage available to military families:

  1. Storage In Transit is for short-term storage. It’s meant for storage during a multi-leg move. For instance, if you have a training assignment in one location before settling in another, you can store your household goods and then have them moved to your final destination once you arrive. Generally, these costs are absorbed into your normal moving expenses.
  2. Non-temporary storage is for storage needs of six months or longer. The military will pay for your long-term storage, as long as you apply for it in the right way. Your movers are the experts in navigating these issues, but make sure you give them enough time to help you. Most storage requests have to be put in a month or more before you move. As for your belongings, they’ll be placed in a secure, temperate-controlled location for as long as needed.


What Will My Destination Country Require Me to Have before I Move There?

Be prepared to dot your I’s and cross your T’s when you’re moving internationally.

Moving internationally is an adventure, one best enjoyed when you’re well-prepared. In order to move to another country, you’ll need the right paperwork to prove who you are and that you have the right to be there. Make a wrong move and you could wind up deported—or worse.

Consider the following forms and how they help you in foreign countries:

  • Officially recognized forms of US identification are used in daily business. Just as in the United States, you’ll need to provide banks, government agencies, and other important organizations with proof of identity. Just make sure you keep them under lock and key.
  • You’ll need an up-to-date passport to enter a foreign country. US citizens need to show a passport to gain entry into other countries, even Canada, and you will need it to be valid throughout the length of your trip.
  • You’ll need a visa to prove you have permission from the country’s government to visit, as well as what you’re allowed to do there. There are visitors’ visas, and those for students and employees. Some countries don’t require them unless you’re staying longer than three months, while others require a visa for everyone along with work permits. It’s important to know the laws before you move.
  • Personal documents like medical records, taxes and your will help you conduct your affairs just as if you were in the United States. Any paperwork you find especially important at home will likely be important to you when you’re abroad.

Moving internationally? Contact Nilson Van to get prepared before the big day. Visit us online or call 803.786.1090.

What Do Business Relocation Companies Do?

Business relocations require heavy-duty equipment, planning and know-how.

Business relocations are often necessary for your company to continue to grow. Sometimes, sadly, they’re needed as a way to cut costs in order to stay afloat. Whether you’re expanding or conserving your resources, hiring a relocation company is an absolute must. Smart business owners make smart investments, and there is too much value to be found in a relocation service to avoid taking advantage of it.

Here are a few of the steps your business relocation company will take on your behalf:

  • At its most basic, a relocation company will simply provide packing and moving services. On its own, that’s enough to justify the cost. Business owners often like to handle paperwork issues on their own anyway. It’s the breaking down of office partitions, disassembly of furniture, securing of IT servers and the like that fuels moving day anxiety.
  • Relocation companies can fairly assess which tasks to assign to your employees. Unless you run a moving company, your workers aren’t trained or expected to shift heavy furniture, package sensitive electronics, and other moving tasks. If they’re hurt in the process—or if your business equipment is damaged—you’ll wind up paying the price. Still, most employees want to help a little bit, at least with their own workstations. A relocation company can help you determine which activities should be reserved for professionals and which can be passed on to your staff.
  • A relocation company can keep you on schedule. Business moves rely on precise timing. Too many elements need to come together at the right time to ensure you get back up and running as soon as possible. When you have clients, however, it’s easy to lose track of your other responsibilities. A specialty moving company will handle most everything on your behalf so falling behind isn’t a problem.

Click this link or call 803.223.9736 to schedule your business relocation QA with Nilson Van today.