Four Benefits of an In-Home Estimate Before Your Next Move

Before you arrange your next move, spring for an in-home estimate.

To most effectively move your home, you will need to an in-home estimate. Below are four major benefits of getting an in-home estimate before getting started with your residential move.

Benefit #1: Accuracy

Unlike a moving quote obtained online or over the phone, an in-home estimate is the most accurate way to anticipate your moving costs. Nothing compares with a representative from the moving company walking through your home to see exactly what needs moving, as well as spot any potential hurdles that might cause surprise price increases or moving delays.

Benefit #2: Best Price

Because in-home estimates are the most accurate quotes possible, they allow you to more effectively compare prices among different moving companies. Since all the moving companies will see the same home and the same items that need moving, it’s easier to have an apples-to-apples comparison. This, in turn, will allow you to choose the best price among available moving companies.

Benefit #3: Avoid Unexpected Price Jumps

Without actually seeing your home and items that need moving, a moving company will make assumptions about the move. But often, these assumptions are incorrect. This can lead to a surprise bump in price that you must pay before you can take back your property and unload it in your new home. In-home estimates avoid these situations.

Benefit #4: Avoid Unexpected Logistical Surprises on Moving Day

Another surprise you can avoid with an in-home estimate is a problem with the movers not having the right tools, movers or moving truck for your home. Imagine the nightmare scenario where your home is empty and everything packed in boxes, but it turns out the truck for the move is just a little bit too small to carry everything. This requires the moving company to acquire a second truck or move everything into a larger truck, causing massive delays. In-home estimates can prevent these unexpected delays from happening.

If you’re interested in moving your home and understand the importance of getting an in-home estimate, consider getting one from our team at Nilson Van and Storage. Contact us before your next residential move.

Three Tips for Planning a Warehouse Move

If you’re planning a warehouse move, keep these tips in mind to make it go as smooth as possible.

Conducting a warehouse move can present a unique set of challenges that require extra care and organization far in advance. To help a warehouse move go as smoothly as possible, consider the following tips:

Assess Current Inventory

By its very nature, a warehouse has a lot of stuff that needs moving. But not all of it is necessary at the new location. By assessing the current inventory, you’ll not only organize much of what needs transportation to the new place but also identify things that don’t need to take part in the warehouse move. Perhaps it’s stale inventory that requires disposal or return to the manufacturer. Or maybe it’s inventory that belongs at a different location. Either way, a full assessment of the entire inventory is necessary for a successful and efficient move.

Carefully Plan Warehouse Deliveries

During the transition between the old and new warehouse, you’ll still need to carry on your business. To work efficiently, you’ll need to make proper arrangements with your shipping companies. For example, the last thing you want to do is receive a shipment of new inventory only to have to pack and send those items to the new warehouse. Along those lines, you don’t want to make arrangements to move certain inventory from the old warehouse to the new one, yet have that inventory go out in a shipment before the movers can get to it.

Use a Moving Company with Warehouse Experience

Not every moving company is capable of handling a warehouse move. To receive the best service possible, choose a moving company with proven experience and capability of completing a warehouse move.

Before you start your move, carefully make plans so it will go as efficiently as possible. If you’re looking for a moving company with warehouse moving experience, contact our team at Nilson Van and Storage.

Two Tips for Moving Your Car during a Cross-Country Move

Moving a car across the country can add considerable expense to a residential move.

If you need to move your car across the country during a residential move, you need to understand that there is no cheap and easy way to do it. Every method has its advantages and disadvantages. The following tips will help you make a more informed decision on moving your car:

#1 Always Have Enough Insurance

There are a variety of ways to get a car across the country, such as driving it yourself, hiring a driver or shipping it. Whatever method you choose, double check to make sure you have insurance that will reimburse you if something bad happens during the trip.

Make sure the policy limits are high enough and if necessary, talk to your agent to make sure your car insurance policy will provide coverage while it’s moved. And if you hire a company to ship your vehicle, make sure their insurance is enough to cover you if your vehicle gets damaged while they transport it.

#2 Think about Selling the Vehicle

It sounds odd, right? The best way to move your vehicle is to get rid of it? Depending on how old the vehicle is and how reliable it is, it may not make financial sense to move it with you.

For example, how much life does it have left? Could it handle putting another 2,500 miles on it? If not, driving it is out of the question. So that leaves shipping it. But shipping a car across the United States can easily top $1,000. If your car is only worth $2,500, is it worth shipping it at the cost of almost half its value?

If it can handle such a long drive, is it worth the cost of the professional driver? If you’re driving it, is it worth the several days of lost work, gas, lodging and food you’ll need to pay to drive it across the country? Then don’t forget the situation where you need to get back to your original destination – you’ll have to factor in the cost of a one-way plane ticket.

Moving a vehicle across the United States isn’t usually a major issue for most people moving since they need the car anyway to get to their new destination. For the other situations, contact our team at Nilson Van to discuss your options and how they can arrange to move your vehicle during your next residential move.

Three Ways to Avoid a Headache during Your Office Relocation

Making sure everything goes right during an office relocation is of particular importance because any problems can lead to lost revenue.

If you have an office move coming up, keep the following tips in mind to reduce the chances of extra stress and headaches along the way:

1.Assign One Person to Be in Charge

Nothing causes more confusion, delay, anger, frustration or annoyance than having too many people handle one thing. To make the office move as streamlined as possible, you need to have one person in charge. This person doesn’t necessarily have to handle everything, but they need to be the sole person contacting the moving companies and keeping track of all the information relating to the move.

The last thing you want is Person A with some information about the move and Person B with different information about the move. Lack of unity can stall the moving process and delays are never good when moving.

2.Hire a Full-Service Mover

Full-service movers are the most expensive type of movers, but for a good reason: they do a good job. Just like having a centralized person from your office to handle your move, it’s nice to have just one moving company to deal with concerning your move.

A full-service mover is nice because there’s only one company to coordinate things. The more “moving parts” you have for your move, the more likely there will be a delay or something will go wrong.

3.Have Clear Deadlines

Sometimes, there is no set time or date when a move must take place. This flexibility is nice, but it can lead to confusion and indecision. To prevent this, have clear dates when the move must occur. For example, know when the current office’s lease will expire and choose a move out date sometime in advance to provide a cushion in case there are delays. This works a lot better than telling people the move needs to take place sometime before the middle of the month.

If you’re wondering how to move your office to its new location, contact Nilson Van; our team has years of experience with office moves and can make them as headache free as possible.

Three Reasons to Trust Professional Movers with Your Military Relocation

Moving as a member of the military adds yet another layer of conditions on how and when a move may take place.

If you are moving in the military, you understand that relocation isn’t as simple as packing belongings and getting them to your new location. There are a slew of other considerations which can complicate things. This is why using a professional mover can improve the moving process and reduce headaches. Here are three reasons to trust professionals movers with your military move:

1.They Understand the PCS Process

PCS, or permanent change of station, is the military term for “moving.” When you receive your PCS orders, you have three options to begin moving. First, you may hire a private company to do the move. Second, you can have the US military handle the move for you. Lastly, you can use a combination of the first two options. Professional movers understand these options and can help you choose the most efficient option for you.

2.They Understand the Reimbursement Process

If you choose to hire a private moving company to handle your move, you receive a reimbursement payment from the US military. Unfortunately, the amount depends on a complex series of formulas and rules. If you’re not careful, you will not receive full reimbursement for the cost of your move. A professional moving company is aware of these constraints and can make sure your move is within budget.

3.Avoid the Red Tape

If you’d like to use the US military to handle your move, it could be the best option for you and your family. But as you already know, the military isn’t the most efficient organization when it comes to paperwork. Getting 30,000 troops with full logistical support halfway across the world in 36 hours? Not a problem. Process your forms within a few days? It’s a crapshoot. Therefore, let a company that specializes in moving personal belongings handle your move for you.

Service members such as yourself make tremendous sacrifices for this country. The least you deserve is help so your next move is as seamless as possible. Nilson Van is your best option for your next military move; Contact us today.

Four Things That Customs May Seize When Moving Abroad

When planning out an international move, you should be aware that customs may hold and destroy some belongings you wish to take with you.

An international move brings with it the added complication of dealing with another set of laws regarding importation of certain items. Exactly what may cross the border will depend on the specific country’s laws. Below is a list of items that a country’s customs agents might not allow you to bring during your move:


The United States is unique in that firearms are widely held by private citizens. In most other countries, private citizens may not own firearms, and if they can, there are heavy restrictions on what they can have. So if you’re trying to bring your guns and ammunition to your new country, there’s a good chance you can’t. At the very least, you’ll probably need to go through special paperwork to get them through customs.

Pornographic Materials

Even in the United States, with some of the most liberal free speech and press laws in the history of the world, adult materials are subject to restrictions on who sells them and who may possess them. It’s no surprise that many countries go further and prohibit their possession by anyone within their borders.

Alcohol and Narcotics

These are subject to heavy regulation in the United States and the vast majority of other countries (assuming they’re not illegal). As a result, if you want to consume any of these, even for a valid medical reason, you may need to follow your new country’s specific rules regarding their use. This usually includes not being able to import them during your move.

Agricultural Products

Bringing non-native plants and animals, including seeds, is usually a no-no. Newly introduced plants and animals can wreak havoc on an ecosystem that is unfamiliar with them.

Moving internationally isn’t easy, and it comes with risks of losing your belonging due to actions by customs officials. To help reduce this risk, contact our professional moving team at Nilson Van for your next move.

Three Helpful Pointers for Moving Long Distances with Pets

Moving with your pet long distances isn’t so bad if you follow a few helpful pointers to keep them safe and sound.

Not every pet owner will know the best helpful pointers for moving with pets a long distance. That is why we have compiled some helpful tips from our moving experts below. If you follow these tips and plan the trip well in advance, you should expect an uneventful long distance trip with your pet.

Tip #1: Get Current with All Vaccinations

Depending on where you’re moving to, there could easily be legal requirements concerning the medical condition of your cat or dog. One notable example is with vaccinations, such as rabies. Before you make the long distance move, make sure your pet has all relevant vaccinations for the new locale.

Tip #2: Make Arrangements to Meet Your Pet’s Need During the Trip

For a long distance trip, you’ll have to consider your pet’s basic needs, such as food, water, stimulation and relieving itself. The exact method will depend on your pet’s mode of transportation, although there will be some similarities regardless of transportation method. For example, you’ll want to give your pet something familiar during the trip to help calm them down. A favorite toy, food or blankets are good examples.

Tip #3: Prepare Your Pet’s New Home

This not only applies to your ultimate destination but to temporary stops as well. Whether it’s a rest stop or pet-friendly hotel, try to make things as familiar as possible for your pet. For instance, trying a new type of food is probably not the best thing to do during the trip. Also, give your pet time to become familiar with its new surroundings. Your pet may not eat, drink or sleep until it feels safe. If you can’t make your pet feel safe during a temporary stop, you and your pet will probably have a very unpleasant trip.

Taking note of these pointers for moving with pets helps to make a move go as easily as possible. You should take into account these special considerations, because traveling with a pet adds a new and often unfamiliar element to a long distance move. Whatever your moving challenges might be, our team at Nilson Van is here to help so get in touch with us before your next move.

Three Reasons to Hire Professional Packers for Your International Move

Hiring professional packers for your international move can make things go a lot smoother.

Take the worry out of the equation by hiring professional packers for your international move. You can take advantage of their decades of experience, skills and knowledge to make a move across international borders as smooth as possible. Here are three reasons to hire professional packers for your international move:

1. Professional Movers Can Protect Valuables

Depending on where you’re moving to, there’s a good chance your personal belongings will travel as cargo freight. This means there is the potential for rough handling, especially when traveling by sea. As professional movers, Nilson understands this risk and knows how to pack your belonging properly to make sure they reach their destination in the same condition that they left your home or business.

2. Getting Through Customs

What might be legal in the United States may not be so in your new home country. Or maybe it is legal but is subject to special rules or regulations when transporting it into the country. Whatever the situation, professional moving companies can advise you on what you need to know to make sure your items get through customs. If there’s an item you need to move that requires a special form to fill out or a particular method of transport, make sure you comply with the relevant procedures.

3. Peace of Mind

One of the reasons for stress during a move is the uncertainty of it. Will everything get to where it needs to be without breaking? Will my personal belongings arrive on time? Will the customs process go smoothly? No moving company, including Nilson, can guarantee the answers to these questions are all “yes.” However, they can do everything that is realistically possible to achieve a “yes” answer to those questions. So when you hire professional movers, you can have the peace of mind that you’re doing everything you can to make the moving process as smooth and easy as possible.

To learn additional reasons to hire professional packers for your international move, get in touch with our team at Nilson Van at your earliest convenience.

Three Tips for Moving on a Budget

It’s not cheap to move, so it’s always nice to find ways you can save money when moving on a budget.

If finances are tight during your residential move, you’ll probably look for ways you can save a few extra dollars. Here are three tips for moving on a budget:

Tip #1: Reuse Boxes and Containers

If you have a significant period before you have to make your move, you can start saving extra cardboard boxes and containers for use during the trip. This is a particularly helpful tip for those who love online shopping. Every time you get your online order, save the box it came in. Unless it’s a padded envelope or a box the size of a VHS tape (remember those?), you’ll probably be able to use it during your move.

Tip #2: Use Clothes as Packing Materials

For fragile items, instead of buying expensive packing materials, such as bubble wrap and Styrofoam peanuts, use pieces of clothing you don’t currently need or want. You can also use tablecloths, blankets and towels to help protect items that need some extra care.

Tip #3: Avoid Peak Moving Times

The need to move can occur at any time, but they tend to cluster around certain times of the year and days of the week. For example, the summer is a very popular time for movers, especially those in and around colleges and universities. If you try to move during the summer, you may see yourself paying higher rates for moving services, such as loaders, packers and rental trucks.

And if you have flexibility in which day you retain moving services, you may see lower rates in the middle of the week. Many people have Monday through Friday jobs, so their only time to move is during the weekends. So it’s the weekend, and not the middle of the week, when demand is high.

No matter how careful you are with money, it’s always good to find tips to move on a budget. To learn more ways you can money and time during your residential move, contact Nilson Van today.

Three Benefits of Nilson Van Storage Services

There are many benefits of using Nilson Van Storage Services for your next move.

Moving can be a very hectic and stressful time, so hiring a professional storage services company can be extremely helpful. Surprise delays and hurdles during the move can require the need of moving professionals, as well as the ability to store personal property for a temporary period. Here are some of the benefits of using Nilson Van Storage Services.

We Can Help Everyone

At Nilson, it doesn’t matter where you’re going; if you need help with moving or have storage needs, we can help. Whether it’s a residential move to a new home across town or heading across state lines, we can take the stress out of moving.

But in addition to residential moves, we handle commercial moves, too. If you’re a business that’s changing locations, Nilson is more than capable of getting the job done efficiently and economically. And those in the public sector need not feel left out either. If you’re a local, state or federal governmental organization, we have the logistical capability to accomplish your moving goals.

Nilson Van Does International Moves

Moving across the country is difficult and complex enough, but having to move to another country adds another layer of work to the move. Nilson is familiar with the rules, laws and regulations that you may encounter when moving to an international destination.

We Have Tons of Experience

Nilson has a long history of helping individuals, families, government organizations and businesses with their moving requirements. All the way back in 1938, the Nilson family started its moving business with high quality and reliable services. Today, Nilson has over 100 employees in eight locations. All this means that if you hire Nilson, you can relax knowing a company with decades of experience can take care of your needs.

The next time you need a professional to provide moving assistance or storage services, think Nilson Van Storage Services. Contact us today!