4 Packing Tips to Make Your Move Easier and More Efficient

Pack carefully, and your move could be surprisingly easy. You dread the packing process, but the steps you take now could determine whether you enjoy a simple, stress-free residential move, or a complete fiasco. Follow these packing tips to ensure an efficient move:

1. Find Items to Donate to a Good Cause

This is your big opportunity to downsize. You're bound to acquire new decor as you decorate post-move, so plan ahead and find unused items to donate before you change your address. You could score a nice tax break as you reduce the number of items you need to move.

2. Label Your Belongings

It may seem like a no-brainer, but organizing and labeling your boxes and containers will make unpacking a breeze. Label items by room; this will eliminate the hassle of digging through dozens of boxes to find bathroom towels or kitchen cutlery. A simple Sharpie marker will do the trick — it's more permanent than labels, which could fall off during the moving process.

3. Use Similar-Sized Boxes and Containers for Smaller Items

Think of your moving adventure as a giant game of Tetris; by maximizing the space you occupy, you'll save on shipping costs. It's easier to load boxes and containers of a similar size into a shipping container or truck. You may need to be more creative with bulky items, however.

4. Bubble Wrap Your Valuables

It's tempting to haphazardly wrap your expensive glassware in crumpled up newspapers or junk mail. In doing so, you're not only are you using a flimsy material that doesn't offer much protection — you're actually adding to your shipping costs. Bubble wrap is lightweight and provides a comforting cushion for your china or other fragile belongings. Better yet, it's reusable — if you can resist the urge to pop it! The right moving company can make all the difference as you seek an efficient residential move. Contact our team at Nilson Van & Storage at your earliest convenience for a quote and to learn more about our moving services.