3 Things to Throw Out Before You Move

If a residential move is in your future, throwing out unnecessary items should be on your to-do list. It’s common to accumulate a lot of stuff you don’t really need. In fact, the longer you have lived in your home, the more belongings you may have crammed away in closets, in the garage or in boxes in the basement. Of course, if you are super organized and on top of things, you will not have as much as a self-proclaimed packrat or “hoarder” who can’t bear to let go of items even if they don’t serve a purpose. Still, nearly everyone can thin out personal possessions prior to a move, especially once you consider it can lead to decreased moving costs. A portion of your moving funds will go to boxes, the weight of the items you move, and labor for each box you bring along. Plus, the fewer things you move, the less you must spend time unpacking at your new location. Let’s take a look at three things you may want to throw out before your residential move:

#1: Books

Books are heavy and take up a lot of space in boxes. If certain books have sentimental value (or real value), go ahead and keep them—but only the ones you are certain you can’t let go. Otherwise, give them away.

#2: Clothes and Shoes

Everyone has those boxes of clothes or shoes that they rarely if ever wear. There’s no need to bring them along on the move. Donate them and free up yourself and your boxes.

#3: Coffee Mugs and Cups

It’s common to accumulate quite a collection of mismatched coffee mugs and cups; however, moving them is pointless. You can inexpensively replenish your collection with matching mugs and cups once you arrive at your new home if necessary. Or, if you are like most people, you can afford to get rid of ALL the mismatched and cracked items and will still have more than enough for your family. Need help planning for your residential move? Connect with our team of moving pros at Nilson Van & Storage today.