What will Customs Seize When I Move out of the Country?

Understand the restrictions and potential ramifications that come with moving internationally.

Globe with cardboard boxes Just like there are goods US companies can’t sell to other countries, there are goods you can’t take with you when moving internationally. Whether you are aware of these restrictions or not, if you are moving these goods they may be detected during shipping and seized by the government. Similarly, there are items that cannot be shipped into the country you’re moving to that might be held by their customs department.

Here are the steps you should take if your goods are seized:

  • Determine who made the mistake. Anyone is capable of making a mistake, and customs policies change regularly. It can be hard for workers and shipping companies to keep things straight. If professional movers packed and shipped your items, you should be able to file an insurance claim. The company may also be able to communicate with customs to have your items returned.
  • Request the return of your items. Whether customs made an error, or you knowingly shipped something you should have kept at home, you may be able to have your property released to a trusted family member or friend. Customs receives these requests on a regular basis, and a good number of people are successful. Customs is much more likely to return, say, a guitar containing a type of restricted wood than they are a pallet of counterfeit purses.
  • Seek legal representation. If the seized item is important or was seized in error, or if you’re facing legal consequences for breaking import/export laws, you may need a lawyer. A professional moving company may be able to connect you with someone experienced in custom disputes.
Click this link or call 800-845-2682 to contact Nilson Van to learn which items may cause problems when you’re moving internationally.