4 Ways to Avoid Losing Your Things During a Move

Moving is never easy, but it’s even harder when you can’t find your things when you get to your new home. Are there any tips and tricks for staying organized and knowing where everything is? You bet! Take a look at these four ways to avoid losing your things during a move.

Tip #1: One Room at a Time

Packing willy-nilly is bound to lead to chaos and disorganization. When you pack one room at a time, it’s easier to stay organized and keep each room’s items together.

Tip #2: Label Your Boxes

Labeling your boxes is critical to finding everything when you get to your destination. Put as much detail on each box as possible, including which room it goes in. That way, your movers will know where to put it in your new home.

Tip #3: Pack Personal Items Separately

Those things you use every day should go in a separate bag or box. The box of personal items can go in your car, or it can go on the truck last and come off first. You’ll know where those important items are right away at your new home.

Tip #4: Consider Packing Services

Most reliable moving companies provide packing services as part of a residential move package. They will pack your belongings securely, so you don’t need to worry about breakage. They’ll also create a complete inventory, so you know where everything is, and you can unpack easily. To make your move go smoothly, with easy access to all of your belongings when you get to your new home, contact the team of professionals at Nilson Van and Storage for a free move estimate.